Sunday, 17 November 2019

MS-DOS or Micro-soft Disk Operating System

             MS-DOS or Micro-soft Disk Operating System is used as operating system in IBM PC compatible machines. The name disk operating system indicates that whenever the machine is started it will first look for operating system files in the disk.
             The characters of DOS are as follow :
v    It is a single user operating system.
v    It works only in micro computer.
v    It supports Batch processing concept.
v    It supports 640 KB or higher memory.
v    It maintains hierarchical file system organization.
v    It is very easy to use.
v    It provides command line interface to the user which means that the user will type the command to perform the job.
v It supports varieties of softwares.
                MS-DOS comprises of 3 essential files and many command files. The 3 essential files are IO.SYS, MSDOS. SYS and COMMAND. COM. The first two files are hidden files. IO.SYS FILE is meant to handle input and output. MS-DOS.SYS file is used by application programs COMMAND. COM file contains internal commands . It is the command interpreter. After booting DOS, the system displays > prompt. The prompt usually includes the current working drive.

 What is File:-     

  File is nothing but an electronic document. The contents can be ordinary text or executable programs. Each file is given a file name to identify it. The file name is in the form.
                            File name . Extension
         File name can be maximum 8 characters. Extension is optional and can be maximum 3 characters. Extension indicates what type of file it is.
Example :          WS . EXE
                           BBM . TXT
                           PRIME . FOR

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